Players Require CDPR to Publish Cyberpunk 2077 Roadmap and Prioritize Game Fixes


Players Require CDPR to Publish Cyberpunk 2077 Roadmap and Prioritize Game Fixes

The release of Cyberpunk 2077 on all platforms turned out to be, to put it mildly, blurry. The PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game barely work, while on the PC the situation is better, but there are still a lot of bugs. Users are not satisfied with this state of affairs – they require CD Projekt RED to publish a roadmap for upcoming updates and tell which aspects are prioritized when making corrections.

Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077

The corresponding statement on the Reddit forum was made by a player under the pseudonym Concussed88. He wrote: “The roadmap needs to be presented to the audience, not to mention the release dates [of the patches] and the like. I want to know what priorities CDPR has set when working on this game” The user is interested in: the patches that will be released in the first place, the content affected in the upcoming updates (the work of artificial intelligence and other functions that require improvement), and bug fixes.

Separately, Concussed88 clarified that he does not need deadlines – he is interested in the order of priorities and problematic aspects of Cyberpunk 2077, on which CD Projekt RED is working. And the user also noted that he would not like to see the rework in the studio again.

Concussed88’s statement was supported by almost 12 thousand people in just one day. Apparently, many people are unhappy with the current state of Cyberpunk 2077. Meanwhile, CDPR has already promised to release two major patches by February 2021.