Purify yourself through the breath, the amazing yoga technique


Purify yourself with the breath of smog, remove stress and live more peacefully? A surprising yoga technique allows us to do so

Everyday life in a big city: it poisons us. Our body accumulates toxins that we must somehow purify. And what better way than breathing? a technique directly from yoga comes to our aid, kapalbhati. Today we will see how it should be performed and what benefits it can bring us.

Cleansing oneself through the breath: what is kapalbhati

Kapalbhati is a classical yoga technique although less known than other high practices. It consists of natural breathing which is then forced by the contraction of the abdominal muscles during the exhalation phase. Such contractions will be quick and quick. This technique allows to oxygenate the body in an optimal way, to strengthen digestion, tone the belly. Being deep breathing, although different from diaphragmatic breathing, also allows us to dilute stress and feel more in tune with the world.

Now let’s see how this technique should be performed: first, sit cross-legged, in a place that you know is quiet, where no one will come to disturb your exercise. Place your elbows on your knees, and join your thumb and forefinger in the famous “okay” position of yoga. Keep your palms facing up. Close your eyes and make sure your neck, head, and spine are along the same vertical.

Relax and start breathing: inhale deeply, then exhale by contracting the belly muscles. The contractions, as already mentioned, are very fast. Take at least twenty breaths in five to ten minutes and repeat up to 5 times a day.