State of Decay 2 adds improvements for the Xbox Series X and S and the “deadly” difficulty level


State of Decay 2 adds improvements for the Xbox Series X and S and the “deadly” difficulty level

Developers from the studio Undead Labs have released an update for the zombie action State of Decay 2. The game has received improvements for the Xbox Series X and S, as well as a new increased difficulty level and additional achievements.

state of decay 2
state of decay 2

On the next-gen Xbox, the game runs at 60fps, while the Xbox Series X version supports 4K resolution. On both consoles, load times have been sped up, as well as improved shadow quality, environment detail, and overall performance.

Other innovations:

  • Difficulty level “Lethal” (Lethal). Enemies inflict increased damage, fewer resources, and the bloody plague causes even more trouble. Plague hearts grow faster, and destroying them may not save you from the surrounding crowds of zombies. In addition, freaks have been replaced with enhanced plague variants.
  • New achievements that allow you to increase Gamerscore by 100 points (for this you have to beat the game on a new difficulty level);
  • Stay Frosty Pack is an add-on with over ten “winter” items, including camouflages for weapons and skins for characters. They can be opened by completing a series of challenges or simply found in the game world. The kit will be free for some time.

The difficulty level is customizable: for example, it is allowed to connect opponents from a new one with the number of resources from a standard one. Thus, the developers say, each player will be able to find “his ideal apocalypse

State of Decay 2 was released on May 22, 2018, on PC and Xbox One. In November of the same year, the number of active players exceeded  4 million. Since its release, the action is available on Xbox Game Pass and supports cross-platform multiplayer. The game received several DLCs, including Heartland with story missions, characters, and opponents. In March 2020, the Juggernaut edition was released free of charge for the owners of the regular version with a new world map, a redesigned training system, additional content, graphics, and performance improvements.

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The press received the game ambiguously ( Metacritic  – 66–69 / 100). On Steam,  Juggernaut has received “mostly positive” reviews (estimated based on nearly 15,000 responses). 3DNews reviewer Denis Shchennikov gave her 7 out of 10 points. “State of Decay 2 develops all the ideas laid down in the first part, – he wrote. – She successfully mixes survival in the open world of a zombie apocalypse and managing a group of survivors. However, the authors have not been able to get rid of the feeling of routine that sooner or later confronts the player in full growth. “

Undead Labs continues to work on State of Decay 3 for PC and the new Xbox, which was announced during the July Xbox Games Showcase. Almost nothing is known about the game. At the time of the announcement of development, the project was in an early stage of production.