It’s all about Google’s heavy dependence on advertising
StockApps analysts conducted a study to find out the volume of collection of personal data of users by IT giants. As it turned out, Google is the leader in spying on its users – the company collects 39 types of different personal data.

Twitter has a score of 24, Amazon has 23, Facebook (the owner of Meta is recognized as an extremist organization in Russia) has 14. At the bottom of the list is Apple with 12 types of personal data, which is three times less than Google.
“ Apple only stores the information it needs to maintain user accounts. This is because the company is not as dependent on advertising revenue as Google, Twitter or Facebook ,” the study says.
StockApps did not disclose the “types of data” in question, but noted that it includes the user’s geolocation, browsing history, activity on third-party websites and, in the case of Google, emails in Gmail.