Technoblogger showed what DOOM and Skyrim look like on the screen of an electronic pregnancy test


Technoblogger showed what DOOM and Skyrim look like on the screen of an electronic pregnancy test

American engineer and tech blogger Foon Turning showed how The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and DOOM looks on the screen of an electronic pregnancy test. He just played videos on the device screen. Foon posted a demo on Twitter.


In early September, the blogger studied the methodology of electronic pregnancy tests. He found that the tests used an 8-bit Holtek processor and 64 bytes of RAM. It turned out that all this was only used to read data from a standard paper test and display a text result on the screen.

After that, he used the power of the chip to show what DOOM and TES V: Skyrim would have looked like. He managed to play the video on the test screen. To do this, he replaced the display, on which the video stream was displayed, and the chip served as a driver. The blogger worried that he would not have enough bandwidth to update the image in real-time, but nothing happened. In addition, he played several clips on the screen.

After his research, Foon Turning also criticized the manufacturers of electronic pregnancy tests. He called it a scam: he said people buy them thinking they are more accurate than standard paper tests.

Tech blogger Naomi Wu disagreed with Foon Turning. According to her, electronic tests help to read the results better, which is confirmed by studies of the German Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe).