Telegram began distributing a WhatsApp mod with a previously unknown spyware Trojan


Attacks have been reported worldwide

Kaspersky Lab experts have discovered a modification of the popular WhatsApp messenger that contains previously unknown malware – a Trojan spyware for Android, called CanesSpy. As noted in the press service, the mod has been distributed for some time in Telegram channels in Arabic and Azerbaijani. 


From October 5 to October 31, the company’s security solutions prevented more than 340 thousand attacks using it in more than a hundred countries around the world. The largest numbers were recorded in Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Turkey and Egypt. Russian users also encountered infection attempts.

Telegram began distributing a WhatsApp mod with a previously unknown spyware Trojan

The new Trojan program can steal data from an infected smartphone: contact list, information about accounts on the device, documents. Also, on command, she begins recording from the device’s microphone. The spy module starts working when you turn on or charge the phone.

The main source of infected files is Telegram channels, predominantly in Arabic and Azerbaijani, and the total number of subscribers in the most popular of them alone reaches almost two million users.

Kaspersky Lab notified Telegram about the presence of malware in the detected channels. However, malicious mods are also distributed through various sites where you can download mods for instant messengers. 

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