Telegram has expanded the capabilities of voice chats – an improved version of the Clubhouse has turned out


Telegram has expanded the capabilities of voice chats – an improved version of the Clubhouse has turned out

Telegram developers announced the release of a major messenger update and a significant increase in voice chats’ capabilities. Users can now launch them on any channel, select speakers, and save audio recordings as podcasts. This is reported on the service website.


To create a voice chat, you need to go to the group profile and select “Start Voice Chat.” According to the developers, thanks to new features, channels can turn into full-fledged radio stations.

The organizers of audio conferences now have the opportunity to control the speeches of the participants. They can choose active speakers, but, if desired, it is possible to give the floor to the listener. For this, the latter will need to “raise his hand.” For the administrator to know more about the participant who raised his hand, the latter can indicate the necessary information about himself in the “About himself” column—for example, your current job, job title, or skills. You can connect to the conference from your personal account and on behalf of the channel.

For convenience, in Telegram, you can create separate links for speakers and listeners. This will enable the interlocutor to enter into the conversation immediately.

Voice chats in Telegram have no limit on the number of participants. Millions of people can now follow any conversation. If the organizer wishes, he can download the conversation as an audio file so that those who have missed the live broadcast can listen to it.

Also Read:  Telegram update released: voice chats, post-sending photo editing and more

Telegram first launched voice chats in December 2020. In them, it was possible to communicate in parallel to the chat. In February 2021, the company allowed users to create voice chats with an unlimited number of participants.