Telegram launched two new web versions of the messenger for “internal competition”


Telegram launched two new web versions of the messenger for “internal competition”

Telegram messenger has released two new web versions of the application. They perform all basic functions and are available on mobile and desktop devices. RIA Novosti writes about it. The company claims to have launched them for “internal competition.”


New items were named “Version K” and “Version Z.” At first glance, they have minor design differences. The apps support animated stickers, dark themes, sorting chats by folders, comments, and several other options. But the photo editor does not work in them, voice and secret chats are not available, and you cannot complain about spam.

Perhaps the products presented result from the Telegram competition for the creation of web versions of the service, which was announced in November 2019. According to its results, 32 developers were awarded. The winner was a programmer with the nickname Hip Hyena, who received $ 10,000 for his development.

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