Testing ray-traced graphics cards will be easier. GPUScore BASEMARKintroduced


Until it is available

Finnish company Basemark has unveiled what it claims is the first professional GPU benchmark with ray tracing support for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows.

GPUScore Basemark
GPUScore Basemark

Testing ray-traced graphics cards will be easier. GPUScore BASEMARK introduced

The test is called GPUScore Relic of Life. It targets top-end ray-tracing GPUs that will soon see more on the market as AMD unveils its Radeon RX 6000 graphics cards later this month.

In fact, Relic of Life is just one of the GPUScore subtests, of which there are only three. It also includes Secret Path and Expedition, but there are no details about them in the press release. As for the same Relic of Life, it supports DirectX 12 and Vulkan.

Unfortunately, only an alpha version for developers is available so far. It is not clear when the test will become available to everyone.

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