The 10 common mistakes not to repeat when going shopping


There are so many activities to be done every day. If you live alone or with other people, especially if you take care of your children, you need to make enough hours of a day, even if they often seem very few.

10 common mistakes not to repeat when going shopping
10 common mistakes not to repeat when going shopping

It takes a long time to travel to work, it takes time to do paperwork, you stand in line at the post office or pharmacy, you wait for your turn in the clinics. If you have children, accompanying them to school or to dance, listening to them and playing with them is essential.

10 common mistakes not to repeat when going shopping

To do all this, and much more, our bodies need energy, to be clean and our homes must be well maintained to be able to live in a healthy environment. The expense, therefore, must be prudent, both for the wallet and for the choice of what we are going to eat or use for our skin, hair and for home cleaning. It follows that when you go around the shops, the supermarket or the greengrocer’s, it is necessary not to make mistakes.

The 10 common mistakes not to repeat when going shopping

  1. Go shopping when you are in a hurry or hungry
  2. do not carry the list of what to buy;
  3. do not look at flyers or store apps;
  4. go to the supermarket on peak days and times;
  5. forget bags and cooler bags for frozen foods;
  6. do not read the ingredients of the products and do not prefer organic ones;
  7. do not buy seasonal fruit and vegetables;
  8. take only the most advertised products or placed on the shelves in front of us;
  9. compare the prices of products without paying attention to their price per kilo;
  10. do not pay attention to the expiration date or the discounted ones because they expire after a few days.
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Usually, it’s best to avoid shopping in a hurry or when you’re hungry. In this way, we will have time to read the labels carefully, check the current offers, look at the prices per kilo and not just those displayed for the single product.

In addition, the most affordable items are usually not at hand or insight, just take a look at the low or high shelves to find them. Seasonal and possibly local, fruits and vegetables are cheaper and healthier.

For a well-made shopping list, you can base yourself, in broad terms, on weekly menus. In this way, we will be more sure that we have all the ingredients at home when it comes to cooking. We have therefore learned the 10 common mistakes not to repeat when going shopping.