The carrier was found to have violations in the approval of modifications on the Boeing 737


Certificate suspended November 10

According to the order of the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency, Dmitry Yadrov, Pobeda Airlines, part of the Aeroflot group, is no longer an aircraft developer. This is due to the suspension of the corresponding certificate, which was issued after Western companies refused technical support for aircraft in Russia. The reason for the suspension is violations identified by the carrier in the approval of modifications on the Boeing 737.

“Rosaviation suspended the certificate on November 10. “Pobeda” became the first company in Russia to have its aircraft developer’s permit suspended, issued after Western companies refused to provide technical support for Russian aircraft,” writes the Izvestia newspaper, citing the order.

The carrier was found to have violations in the approval of modifications on the Boeing 737

Boeing 737
Boeing 737

The air carrier’s press service claims that Pobeda itself revoked its certificate, although the reasons for this action are not indicated in the document. Seven other air carriers have a similar certificate. With the departure of Pobeda, the Aeroflot group was left with two certificates belonging to Aeroflot airline and aircraft maintenance provider Aeroflot Technics.

Earlier, the US Department of Commerce extended export restrictions for Russian airlines, including Pobeda. In 2022, Pobeda significantly reduced its fleet of Boeing 737 aircraft from 41 to 25 units. Flights were suspended in order to ensure a sufficient supply of spare parts for the aircraft until the lost supply chains were restored.

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