The player has upgraded his goblin in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands to level 50 without leaving the starting zone
It is not uncommon for World of Warcraft players to level characters in unusual ways. For example, a user under the pseudonym Doubleagent develops a Pandaren pacifist who does not belong to any faction. A visitor recently noted a similar achievement to the Reddit forum under the nickname TheSlapperfish. He upgraded his goblin hunter to level 50 without leaving the starting area. However, now the enthusiast is faced with difficulties and does not know how to reach the maximum stage of development in the chosen way.

The starting location for the goblins is called Kezan. It was here that TheSlapperfish pumped up his character, and he began by killing burrowing worms. The user needed to eliminate five thousand of the mentioned monsters to develop the hero to level 30. The enthusiast then moved on to completing daily quests related to pet battles. At level 39, TheSlapperfish tamed two burrowing worms and continued to move to its maximum development stage. However, the enthusiast soon ran into a problem.
It turned out that after level 50, pet battles give eight times less experience. According to TheSlapperfish’s calculations, it will take him over six weeks to reach level 51 in Kezan. That is why the user turned to the community for advice on speeding up pumping, but so far, no one has suggested anything in the comments on Reddit.