Radeon has better performance and more games with a noticeable performance boost

The same technology works worse on Nvidia graphics cards than on AMD adapters. It’s about Resizable BAR and SAM
But are these technologies equally effective? The specialists of the Hardware Unboxed channel decided to check this. To do this, they compared the performance gain from activating Resizable BAR on the GeForce RTX 3070 and from SAM technology on the Radeon RX 6800. The video cards themselves are not equal in performance, but this does not matter for the experiment.
As you can see, on average, AMD’s implementation is slightly more efficient than its Nvidia counterpart. However, even in the first case, the average gain is only 3% (at 1440p), which makes no sense for gamers.
More specifically, the situation is more interesting. Firstly, in the case of an AMD card, the maximum performance gain is significantly higher (19% versus 9%), secondly, the maximum performance drop is also greater, although the difference is less pronounced (7% versus 4%), and thirdly, it should also be noted that there are many more games where SAM activation makes sense. If earlier it was actually only Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, now five more games have joined it, where the increase exceeds 10%, that is, it makes sense.