The Titanium Valley will produce and test the aircraft LMS-901 “Baikal” and TVRS-44 “Ladoga”


New hangar put into operation

On the territory of the Titanium Valley, a hangar for ground testing of aircraft was put into operation, which will be actively used by the Ural Civil Aviation Plant.

According to TASS, the new facilities will also house the production of domestic models of aircraft LMS-901 “Baikal” and TVRS-44 “Ladoga”.

Titanium Valley is a special economic zone of an industrial production type in the Sverdlovsk region, which covers the aircraft industry, the production of titanium products, the production of equipment and components for mechanical engineering and metallurgy, medical and other industries.

“The area of ​​the hangar is 1.9 thousand square meters. m. It will carry out service maintenance and ground technological testing of new aircraft. At the moment, we have completed all construction work and are preparing documents for the lease of the facility to our resident, ”said Andrey Antipov, CEO of Titanium Valley.

The Titanium Valley will produce and test the aircraft LMS-901 “Baikal” and TVRS-44 “Ladoga”

aircraft LMS-901
aircraft LMS-901

In total, the complex will include four facilities, including a hangar for testing aircraft and a building for engineering and technical services, which have already been built. In 2023, a universal production building will be erected, and in 2024, a multifunctional production building with an area of ​​more than 10 thousand square meters. m.

“The hangar for ground testing of aircraft will become one of the key elements of the aircraft building complex of the Ural Civil Aviation Plant. A new production site is being created with the attraction of 1 billion rubles from the federal budget in the form of an infrastructure loan, ”the official press release says.