The tragedy for the “zoomers.” The next set of emoji will be released only in the spring of 2022


Introduced in spring Emoji 13.0 will be released this fall

Perhaps in our country, and other CIS countries, this is not so noticeable, but modern youth in the West are very actively using emoticons, which are now called emoji. Sometimes whole phrases are entirely replaced by such pictograms, and there are even various scientific works on this subject.


The tragedy for the “zoomers.” The next set of emoji will be released only in the spring of 2022

And now, it seems, for people who are accustomed to using emoji, dark times have come actively. The Unicode Consortium Consortium has announced that it will postpone the release of a new set of emoji (Unicode Standard 14.0) for six months, until September 2021.

New emoji sets are usually announced in March, and on smartphones, they appear tentatively in September. This is probably done, taking into account the release of the new iPhone. Thus, Unicode Standard 14.0 emojis will appear on smartphones only in the spring of 2022.

The situation will not affect the output of the already presented set of Emoji 13.0. The consortium is also considering releasing a small update to Emoji 13.1.

Transfer, of course, is due to coronavirus. By the way, it is quite possible that in the next set of emoji, there will be a lot of smiles, one way or another connected with the disease and its impact on our lives.

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