This GeForce RTX 4090 is smaller than many RTX 4060.


With liquid CO

Galax has unveiled probably the smallest GeForce RTX 4090. The model is called the GeForce RTX 4090 Metaltop AIO, and it is equipped with liquid CO.

GeForce RTX 4090
GeForce RTX 4090

Thanks to this, the dimensions of the video card itself are very small. The length is only 216mm, which is shorter than most RTX 4060s on the market. In addition, the card takes up less than two expansion slots.

This GeForce RTX 4090 is smaller than many RTX 4060.

Of course, there is a separate heatsink with fans, which itself is much larger than the 3D card, but still it is a separate element that is mounted in a completely different place.

GeForce RTX 4090
GeForce RTX 4090

The adapter is expected to be clocked at 2595MHz GPU and power capped at 510W. There is no price information yet.