Tinkoff has released a Tinkoff Pay payment sticker for credit cards


For owners of Tinkoff Platinum credit cards, the issue of the sticker is free

The Tinkoff Bank team announced the launch of a new version of “smart stickers” for contactless and fast payment using a smartphone. Tinkoff Pay payment stickers have become available for credit cards.


Owners of Tinkoff Platinum credit cards can now also order a sticker with a contactless payment chip, stick it on a smartphone or case and pay for purchases with one touch to the terminal.

Tinkoff has released a Tinkoff Pay payment sticker for credit cards

The press release clarified:

The Tinkoff Pay payment sticker works as an additional card with all the chips of your credit card: grace period up to 55 days, interest-free installments up to 12 months and cashback bonuses up to 30%.

To order a sticker for a credit card, you need to open the Tinkoff application, open the “Open a new account or product” section, select “Order an additional card”, go to the Tinkoff Platinum credit account and, finally, click on “Tinkoff Pay payment sticker” . Tinkoff Platinum credit card holders can issue a sticker for free. 

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