Today’s patch brings God of War to PS5 with 4K 60fps checkerboard mode


Today’s patch brings God of War to PS5 with 4K 60fps checkerboard mode

Santa Monica Studio on its official website announced the upcoming patch for the Scandinavian action game God of War of 2018. The update is intended to improve the performance of the game on the PlayStation 5.

God of wars
God of wars

Recall that until recently, in God of War on PS5, two graphics modes were available with PS4 Pro: increased resolution (“checkerboard” 4K with 30 frames / s) and performance (1080p with unlocked frame rate).

On the previous generation console in performance mode, God of War most often produced about 40-50 fps, while on the PS5, relatively stable 60 fps became achievable.

The upcoming patch will take the best of both modes and combine them into one: 4K (checkerboard rendering) and 60fps support. The “performance” option with PS4 Pro will also remain.

The corresponding update for God of War will be available for download today, February 2nd. The developers from Santa Monica Studio did not name the exact time of the patch release.

God of War runs on PlayStation 5 in backward compatibility mode. Despite this, the game found undocumented support for the tactile feedback of the DualSense controller.

God of War was released in April 2018 exclusively on PlayStation 4. By May 2019, the project has sold more than 10 million copies. The inevitable and so far untitled sequel is expected to be released in 2021 on PS5.

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