Vaginal Odor When My Discharge Smells Bad but Not Fishy


Understanding Vaginal Odor: When My Discharge Smells Bad but Not Fishy

Vaginal health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being for people with vaginas. It’s normal for vaginal discharge to have a slight odor, but when that odor becomes unpleasant, it can be concerning. If you’ve noticed that your discharge smells bad but not fishy, it’s essential to understand the potential causes and what you can do about it.

my discharge smells bad but not fishy
my discharge smells bad but not fishy

Causes of Unusual Vaginal Odors

When your vaginal discharge has an unusual odor, several factors could be at play:

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a common vaginal infection that can lead to a foul-smelling discharge. Unlike a fishy odor often associated with other infections, BV can produce a more unpleasant scent. It occurs when there’s an imbalance in the vaginal microbiome, with harmful bacteria outnumbering beneficial ones. Symptoms may include:

Strong, unpleasant vaginal odor

Thin, grayish-white discharge

Itching or burning sensation


BV is typically treated with antibiotics prescribed by a healthcare provider. It’s essential to seek medical attention if you suspect BV as it can lead to complications if left untreated.

Yeast Infections

Yeast infections are another frequent cause of unusual vaginal odors. These infections are often accompanied by discomfort and itching. While yeast infections can produce an unusual odor, it is not typically described as fishy. Symptoms include:

Thick, white, cottage cheese-like discharge

Itching and irritation

Redness and swelling of the vulva


Over-the-counter antifungal medications or prescription medications are used to treat yeast infections. Consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal fluctuations throughout your menstrual cycle can affect the scent of your vaginal discharge. For some individuals, hormonal changes can result in a stronger odor, especially during menstruation.


Practicing good hygiene and changing pads or tampons regularly during your period can help manage odor during hormonal shifts.

When to Seek Medical Attention

While some changes in vaginal odor may be normal, persistent or severe odors should not be ignored. It’s essential to know when to seek medical attention:

If the odor persists despite practicing good hygiene and making dietary changes.

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If you experience additional symptoms such as itching, burning, or unusual changes in discharge color or consistency.

Remember that a healthcare provider can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options.

Home Remedies and Preventive Measures

Maintaining good vaginal health is key to preventing unusual odors. Here are some home remedies and preventive measures to consider:

Maintaining Proper Hygiene

Gentle Cleansing:

Clean the genital area with mild, fragrance-free soap and warm water. Avoid harsh cleansers, douching, or scented products, as they can disrupt the natural pH balance.


Consider adding probiotic-rich foods (e.g., yogurt with live cultures) to your diet. Probiotics can promote a healthy vaginal microbiome.

Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains supports overall health, including vaginal health. Staying hydrated is also essential.

Treatment Options

When dealing with unusual vaginal odors, several treatment options are available, depending on the underlying cause:

Medical Treatments

If you suspect an infection like BV or a yeast infection, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis. They can prescribe the following treatments:


For BV, healthcare providers may prescribe antibiotics such as metronidazole or clindamycin to restore the balance of vaginal bacteria.

Antifungal Medications:

In the case of yeast infections, antifungal medications like fluconazole can be prescribed to eliminate the overgrowth of yeast.

Natural Remedies

Some individuals prefer natural remedies to address vaginal odor. While these methods may offer relief, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan:

Apple Cider Vinegar Baths:

Adding a cup of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar to a warm bath may help balance vaginal pH. However, consult your healthcare provider before trying this remedy.

FAQs About Vaginal Odor

Q1: Can douching help with vaginal odor?

Douching is not recommended. It can disrupt the natural pH balance of the vagina and lead to more significant issues. It’s best to stick to gentle cleansing with water and mild soap.

Q2: Are there foods that can worsen vaginal odor?

Certain foods, such as strong-smelling spices, garlic, and asparagus, can potentially affect body odor, including vaginal odor. However, individual reactions vary.

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Q3: Can stress contribute to changes in vaginal odor?

Stress can impact vaginal health. It can disrupt hormone levels, potentially affecting vaginal odor. Managing stress through relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

Q4: Is it normal for vaginal odor to change during pregnancy?

Yes, hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to changes in vaginal odor. However, consult your healthcare provider if you notice any unusual or persistent odors during pregnancy.

Q5: Can wearing breathable cotton underwear help prevent vaginal odor?

Yes, wearing breathable fabrics like cotton can help prevent excess moisture and support vaginal health.

Q6: Can sexual activity affect vaginal odor?

Sexual activity may temporarily alter vaginal odor due to changes in pH and the introduction of new bacteria. However, these changes are usually temporary. If concerns persist, consult your healthcare provider.

Q7: Can I use scented feminine hygiene products to mask vaginal odor?

Avoid scented products. They can irritate the delicate vaginal area and worsen odor. Stick to gentle, fragrance-free options.

Q8: Can I have a vaginal odor without an infection?

Yes, it’s possible. Hormonal changes, diet, and other factors can influence vaginal odor. If you’re concerned, consult your healthcare provider for an evaluation.

Q9: Can menopause affect vaginal odor?

Yes, menopause can lead to hormonal changes that may affect vaginal odor. Discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider, who can provide guidance and potential treatments.

Q10: How often should I see my healthcare provider for vaginal health check-ups?

Regular gynecological check-ups are important for maintaining vaginal health. Follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations for check-up frequency.


Understanding changes in vaginal odor is an important part of women’s health. While it’s common to experience fluctuations, being aware of your body and seeking help when needed is crucial. By maintaining good hygiene practices and seeking medical advice when necessary, you can promote a healthy and confident lifestyle.