Video: Outriders Storyline Dedicated to Animated Trailer


Last updated on December 8th, 2022 at 02:52 pm

Video: Outriders Storyline Dedicated to Animated Trailer

On the eve of the very imminent release of their co-op shooter Outriders, the publishing house Square Enix and the development studio People Can Fly have presented another trailer for the game.


The video, titled “No Way Back,” is available with subtitles in 13 languages ​​(including two variations of Chinese and French), is just over a minute, and focuses on the Outriders storyline.

From the previous trailer of a similar focus, the new one is distinguished by a much greater straightforwardness (the voiceover retells the events preceding the start of the game) and a different presentation – the video is made in an animation style.

The Outriders story began in 2048 when humanity decided to leave Earth and try their luck on Enoch. The best of the best were chosen as colonizers, but the ship did not fly far with them.

A replacement for the heroes was found three years later in the face of scoundrels and outcasts of society. During the development of Enoch, many of them died, but the elect turned into Aliums and acquired supernatural powers.

Outriders will be released on April 1 this year on PC (Steam, EGS), PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S, as well as Google Stadia. The game supports three-player co-op and cross-platform multiplayer.

The Outriders demo is currently available for review, containing an introductory chapter of the story campaign. More than 2 million people managed to download the “sample” in a week since its release.

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