Waiting for the first addition: after patch 1.2, descriptions of unused quests were found in Cyberpunk 2077 files


Waiting for the first addition: after patch 1.2, descriptions of unused quests were found in Cyberpunk 2077 files

Data miner and modder romulus_is_here, in an interview with Eurogamer, said that after patch 1.2, he found references to yet unreleased content for the game in Cyberpunk 2077 files.

patch 1.2
Cyberpunk 2077

To access hidden information, the enthusiast uses the CP77 Tools utility. With her help, romulus_is_here learned that the main quests in Cyberpunk 2077 are numbered (from q000 to q204) and are divided into three categories: prologue, first part, and epilogue.

Some of the quests found in the localization directory were tagged as q301 and story-ep1, which romulus_is_here thinks indicates the preparations for the release of “the very first major story expansion

It is worth noting that some of the mentions of story-ep1 were present in Cyberpunk 2077 from the very launch (version 1.03); however, with the release of 1.2, their number has grown significantly: from five to 220 pieces.

Among these files, romulus_is_here found descriptions of “street stories” – so on the eve of the release of CD, Projekt RED spoke about “about 75” small quests, which are not in the release version.

Some of the street stories found by the datamaneir were empty, while others contained task lists and correspondence. One of them is dedicated to a certain Wagner, the second – to the bomb in the pool, the third – to the hostage-taking by the Kurtz Militia, and so on.

Another quest revolves around Anthony Anderson, whom the player must rescue from the Scavengers gang. An unknown location is also mentioned – the unfinished Newcomers Haven church, converted into a shelter.

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According to romulus_is_here, the events of most of the street stories from the first episode (story-ep1) will unfold in the Pacifica area since many quests mention the local fixer – Mr. Hands.

In addition to street stories, romulus_is_here found a significant amount of content that complements the already available game: dialogues for the main characters (probably new romantic phrases for V and Panam just from there) characters in side quests.

CD Projekt RED has said more than once that it is not going to abandon plans for paid and free add-ons to Cyberpunk 2077. Judging by the schedule released in January, the expansion should not be expected before the middle of the year.