Watch Dogs: Legion Online Mode Coming To PC Later Due To Serious Bug


Watch Dogs: Legion Online Mode Coming To PC Later Due To Serious Bug

Ubisoft moved the launch of the online mode in Watch Dogs: Legion to PC due to a certain bug that manifests itself only on certain GPUs. As a result, the consoles were not affected by this problem. But there are others.

Watch Dogs Legion
Watch Dogs Legion

According to the developer, the team identified a problem that could disrupt Watch Dogs: Legion playback on certain video cards. Ubisoft is trying to fix the bug as soon as possible but still decided to postpone the online mode’s launch.

According to the announcement, some online modes will also be delayed on consoles, but most are still slated to launch on March 9. It was decided to enable tactical operations on Xbox, PlayStation, and Google Stadia only on March 23rd because now Watch Dogs: Legion is crashing in them. And on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, the in-game chat will initially function limitedly – its fix is ​​also scheduled for March 23rd.

Watch Dogs: Legion is out on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PlayStation 5, and Google Stadia.

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