What are new innovations and functions will OnePlus offer in OxygenOS


The company OnePlus since its appearance on the market has consistently stated that it is listening to its users. Their opinion is important to her, and she is doing everything to make them enjoy using her products. Regularly, the manufacturer turns to users for advice on what he should improve in the proprietary OxygenOS firmware.

OnePlus announced the launch of the IDEAS project
OnePlus announced the launch of the IDEAS project

In March, OnePlus announced the launch of the IDEAS project, where it was planned to identify the five most popular ideas for improving OxygenOS, the implementation of which the company will undertake. The other day, OnePlus summed up and identified the top five best ideas that will find their application in the proprietary shell:

  • creating folders in the application menu;
  • unlock hidden photos in the gallery using a fingerprint sensor;
  • Always on Display;
  • A sound signal indicating that the battery is fully charged;
  • extension of the functionality of the Zen Mode.

There are many proposals that the company refused to put into practice. So, OnePlus dismissed such ideas as the possibility of changing the charging speed and limiting the battery charge at the level of 80%, it does not pan out at this stage to offer a full-fledged one-handed control mode and expand the capabilities of the mode switching slider, and it’s not ready to allow users to independently choose the installation full-time applications during initial setup.

OnePlus offer in OxygenOS
OnePlus offer in OxygenOS

When all five ideas are implemented, there is no complete information. The company only limited itself to the statement that the Always-on Display function will appear in a closed beta in June, and the public version of the firmware with it will be released in August or September.