What the new Windows 10 Action Center looks like


It will be part of a massive UI overhaul this fall.

Microsoft is preparing for the fall of 2021 not just an update to Windows 10, but a grand overhaul of the design and interface of its operating system. What the new taskbar looks like has already become known, and now you can get an idea of ​​the new Action Center (Windows 10 Action Center). 

Windows 10 Action Center
Windows 10 Action Center

What the new Windows 10 Action Center looks like

As noted by the WindowsLatest resource, the new Action Center can use elements of the Windows 10X interface to increase the similarity of standard Windows 10 and modular Windows 10X. 

This notification centre gives you access to settings and notifications in a new way. The interface automatically adjusts depending on whether an alert is received or whether you need to open the quick access panel. 

In preview builds of Windows 10, the company is already testing the Windows 10X-style notification centre, offering two different panels for alerts and settings. It is noted that the early stage of testing is now underway and while the notification centre is not too similar to Windows 10X, but the rebuilding process is already underway. 

The new user interface and design project is internally codenamed Sun Valley and will be part of the Windows 10 Cobalt or 21H2 release. For ordinary users, this version of the OS will be available in the fall of 2021, most likely in October.

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