Wholesale smartphone sales are expected to grow 13% this year


This is the highest growth rate in the last six years.

Strategy Analytics predicts that global smartphone wholesale revenue will grow 13% in 2021 compared to 2020. This is the highest figure in the past six years, and last year global revenue from wholesale smartphone sales fell by 5% altogether. Analysts are confident: despite the negative impact of the pandemic, which manifested itself as economic uncertainty and eroded consumer confidence, the market will be able to bounce back in 2021. This will be facilitated by the release of a new generation of iPhone smartphones and the transition to 5G.

smartphone sales
smartphone sales

Wholesale smartphone sales are expected to grow 13% this year

“We expect global smartphone sales to grow 7% to 1.4 billion units, and the global average smartphone wholesale price (ASP) will grow 6% globally in 2021 to $ 294, resulting in wholesale revenue smartphones will exceed $ 400 billion, says Linda Sui, senior director at Strategy Analytics. “We expect the ultra-premium segment (the wholesale price of $ 600 and up) to perform particularly well thanks to the iPhone 12 supercycle and account for nearly half of total wholesale revenue this year.”

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