Winter Health Tips: These vitamins and minerals are very important in cold, eat only this diet to get them


Winter Health Tips: It is very important to keep the body warm in the cold. A deficiency of important vitamins and minerals should not be allowed. Let us know the list of essential vitamins and minerals in winter.

Winter Health Tips
Winter Health Tips

The temperature comes down considerably in winter. Due to this, there are many difficulties in keeping the body warm. In this season, immunity becomes very weak and many diseases can surround the body. To avoid these, vitamins and minerals are very important.

Everyone knows that the body needs vitamins and minerals to function optimally. These nutrients help maintain health and energy. But in winter, the body needs more of certain vitamins and minerals. About whom you will know in this article.

Vitamin D

In winter, the sun’s rays become weak and people get very little sunlight. In this case, there may be a deficiency of Vitamin D. That’s why vitamin D can be found by eating milk, egg yolk, orange, etc. to keep the function of bones and muscles right.

vitamin C

The immune system becomes weak in the cold. Due to this repeated infections can occur. Vitamin C is very important for strengthening the immune system. This important nutrient is found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, lemons, beet, etc.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is essential for nervous and psychological function along with boosting immunity. It also helps in the absorption of proteins and glycogen in the body. To get this, one can eat soybean, oats, banana, peanut, chicken, etc.

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Enough blood is needed to keep the body warm in the cold. Iron prevents anemia in the body and removes fatigue and weakness. Iron is found in plenty in seafood, red meat, green leafy vegetables, peas, raisins, etc.
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Physical exercise is necessary to stay healthy. But it is also important to take zinc along with it. This nutrient helps to repair muscles and cells and protect them from oxidative stress. It will be surprising to know that the body does not produce it and it can be found in beans, nuts, whole grains, and dairy products.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always consult your doctor for more details.