16 million combinations and all kinds of filters: details of the character editor and photo mode in the remake of Demon’s Souls


16 million combinations and all kinds of filters: details of the character editor and photo mode in the remake of Demon’s Souls

SIE Worldwide Studios Creative Director Gavin Moore on the Official PlayStation Blog has shared details of the character editor and photo mode for the Demon’s Souls remake.

Demons Souls
Demons Souls

According to Moore, over 16 million combinations of parameters will be available in the updated editor to customize the appearance of your hero: in addition to the options from the original game, the developer

As for the photo mode, the PS3 version did not have such a function at all. The tool will offer “almost limitless” possibilities: customizing the display of weapons and helmet, choosing a pose and facial expressions, hiding a character, and so on.

Moore also added that all of the Photo Mode filters are available in gameplay: “If you prefer the classic look of the game, you can choose the brightness, contrast, and color levels that match the original PS3 version

“The rest you will have to find out on your own after the release of the game, until which there is very little time left. We look forward to your photos! ” – Moore shared at last.

The remake of Demon’s Souls will go on sale on November 12, exclusively for the PlayStation 5. What else, besides the character editor and photo mode, will change in the new release compared to the original, Moore recently told Western publications.

s have added many new ones.

“You will be able to show your character to other adventurers around the world, and we wanted to make sure that the possibilities of expression go beyond the choice of weapons and armor,” said Moore.

Also Read:  Perseverance and a little luck: a blogger found a way to "break" the remake of Demon's Souls