343 Industries has not yet been suspended from the Halo series.


The developers tried to refute the rumors

Halo Infinite was a technical flop, and 343 Industries has recently reported massive layoffs. Spread the rumors that you couldn’t just ignore

Halo Infinite
Halo Infinite

Recently it became known that 343 Industries is being overclocked. It was assumed that a significant part of the employees would be  fired , the studio would be removed from work on Halo.

After  the departure of Joe Staten, various rumors spread. They could no longer ignore them and decided to issue a small refutation.

343 Industries said it will continue to develop Halo, will work on some epic stories, multiplayer and more.

The part about ” epic stories ” is notable for the fact that earlier there were rumors about the cancellation of the DLC for the Halo Infinite campaign (according to other sources , work on the DLC was not carried out at all).

343 Industries
343 Industries
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