Huawei proposes to embed a small screen in the quad camera area of ​​the smartphone


Last updated on December 8th, 2022 at 02:23 pm

Huawei proposes to embed a small screen in the quad camera area of ​​the smartphone

The Chinese company Huawei, according to the resource LetsGoDigital, is reflecting on a smartphone equipped with a small auxiliary display on the back of the case.


Information about the development, along with patent images, is published on the website of China’s National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA).

As conceived by Huawei, the additional screen will be located in the quad-camera. In this case, three versions are possible: in one of them, the display is located above the array of optical elements, in the other – under it. The third version assumes that the screen will be installed between two vertical rows of lenses.

The rear display will be able to display the time, various notifications, and other useful information. It is also possible that it will take over the functions of the viewfinder when shooting self-portraits with the main multi-component camera.

So far, Huawei has only patented the proposed design. But there is a possibility that in the future smartphones with an additional rear screen in the quad-camera area will appear on the commercial market. 

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