AMD Video Story of Working with Codemasters to Optimize DiRT 5 for Radeon RX 6000


AMD Video Story of Working with Codemasters to Optimize DiRT 5 for Radeon RX 6000

We have already written that DiRT 5 is among the small number of games that have received support for ray tracing and other optimizations for the new Radeon RX 6000 graphics cards thanks to participation in the AMD partner program. The company has now released the first video story of its collaboration with developers on next-generation games.

Dirt 5 Radeon

This video is about DiRT 5 – obviously more coming in the future. It notes that in collaboration with AMD, Codemasters was able to add Variable Rate Shading (VRS) technology to its races. VRS was introduced to the DirectX 12 graphics API in 2019. This technology is a functional analog of NVIDIA Adaptive Shading and is designed to conserve graphics card resources. It allows you to reduce the workload when rendering peripheral objects, insignificant zones, or fast-moving parts of the scene while maintaining detail where it is most needed. As a result, you can achieve significant performance gains while maintaining almost the same picture quality.

In addition, the developers, with support from AMD, have added more accurate and detailed ray-traced shadows to DiRT 5, as well as contact shadows (where objects shadow themselves). The game uses miscalculations with an accuracy of 1 ray per pixel, which require noise suppression – for this, AMD Shadow Denoiser technology is used. The comparison, as in the first published screenshot, is not particularly convincing, but nonetheless.

The game also uses AMD’s FidelityFX Single Pass Downsampler (SPD) technology for lighting and post-processing, a single-pass downsampler that can generate up to 12 MIPmap levels in a single compute shader pass. This approach avoids downtime of the graphics pipeline when moving the buffer to a lower resolution or generating MIPmap chains. Finally, to enhance realism, DiRT 5 uses the AMD FideltyFX Ambient Occlusion shading model and other technologies. Comparisons are provided for all of them in the video presented.

In general, AMD notes that the game will perform best on a combination of Radeon RX 6000 series video cards with Ryzen 5000 processors. The company also recommends installing the latest AMD Radeon Adrenaline 2020 Edition drivers. DIRT 5 will be released on November 6 on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4, while on Xbox Series X and S on November 10, and on PlayStation 5 on November 12.