Audi will give up internal combustion engines in 10-15 years


Audi will give up internal combustion engines in 10-15 years

The automotive industry is changing rapidly. Fossil fuels are clearly recognized as the industry’s past, and the future is given to electric vehicles. So Audi, the car brand owned by Volkswagen, is striving to gradually abandon internal combustion engines (ICE).


The German weekly WirtschaftsWoche reported that in 10-15 years only electric vehicles that do not use fossil fuels will be sold under this brand. At present, the company is actively working on its more specific plans and wants to set the dates for the decommissioning of individual plants in the coming months, where today the usual cars with internal combustion engines or their individual units are produced.

The publication WirtschaftsWoche reported the words of the executive director of Audi, Markus Duesmann, who assured in an interview that the tasks of environmental protection and economic success do not contradict each other and are quite well combined. Let’s see how it will look in practice.

Meanwhile, it seems that soon the traditional carmakers will simply have no place in the market, and therefore they have to rebuild. Many countries are legislating for restrictions and bans on the sale of fossil fuel vehicles. For example, Japan decided to ban the sale of new cars with internal combustion engines after 15 years, which angered Toyota’s management – the company is actively investing in new technologies but considers such hasty decisions a blow to the local auto industry.