AvtoVAZ can financially improve with the help of bonds.


If the process of issuing bonds is launched, then, most likely, already next year

AvtoVAZ may receive bonds – the company is working on such a mechanism for repaying the company’s debt together with the government. This was announced by the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov.


AvtoVAZ can financially improve with the help of bonds.

“ This is a fairly common design – both KamAZ and GAZ did in previous years – we provided support through compensation for the coupon income of bonded loans … But there is no final decision yet, we will work with AvtoVAZ: there will be such a form of support or another. We went through last year quite comfortably, even with such a significant debt load ,” he said. Manturov also clarified that if the decision to issue bonds is made, they will be issued for the entire amount of the debt – it now, according to AvtoVAZ President Maxim Sokolov, exceeds 100 billion rubles.

“ In theory, of course, it could be autumn, but the process of issuing bonded loans before the decision on benefits is simply pointless, so objectively, this is next year. Let’s see how the economy will develop this year ,” Manturov said. However, it appears from Manturov’s words that, no matter how the economy looks, AvtoVAZ will continue to inject funds.