Google Pixel 8 Goes Desi: Made in India Smartphones Hit the Market Soon


Calling all tech enthusiasts and Google Pixel fans in India! The wait is almost over for the highly anticipated launch of the Made-in-India Pixel 8 series. This exciting development marks Google’s commitment to the Indian market and signifies a strategic partnership with Dixon Technologies, a leading Indian electronics manufacturer. Let’s delve deeper into what this means for Indian consumers and the future of Google’s Pixel phones in the region.

Google Pixel 8 Goes Desi
Google Pixel 8 Goes Desi

Stepping Up the Game: Google Joins India’s “Make in India” Initiative

Previously, Google stood out amongst major smartphone brands for not participating in India’s “Make in India” program. However, a significant shift occurred in February 2024 when the tech giant announced plans to diversify its supply chain and begin producing Pixel phones within India. This move not only supports India’s economic initiatives but also potentially paves the way for more competitive pricing for Indian consumers.

Partnering for Success: Google and Dixon Technologies Join Forces

The production of the Made-in-India Pixel 8 series hinges on a collaborative effort between Google and Dixon Technologies. Dixon, a well-established player in the Indian electronics manufacturing landscape, brings its expertise and production capabilities to the table. This partnership is expected to streamline the manufacturing process and optimize production costs, potentially leading to more affordable Pixel phones for the Indian market.

From Trial Production to Market Shelves: The Pixel 8 Series Arrives

As of today, Dixon Technologies has already commenced trial production of the Pixel 8 series in India. This signifies a crucial step forward, and the first batch of these “Made in India” Pixel 8 smartphones is expected to hit store shelves in September 2024. Industry reports suggest that Dixon Technologies aims to produce a significant number of Pixel 8 units per month, with a portion designated for export to other markets. This not only fuels India’s smartphone production capabilities but also positions the country as a potential hub for exporting Pixel devices.

Also Read:   Pixel 7a has a better screen than the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra

Padget Electronics: A Key Player in the Production Process

Digging deeper into the production chain, Padget Electronics, a subsidiary of Dixon Technologies, plays a vital role. Padget has secured an agreement with Compal Electronics, a Taiwanese company known for being a manufacturing partner for Google products. This collaboration ensures that the Made-in-India Pixel 8 series adheres to Google’s stringent quality standards, offering Indian consumers the same exceptional experience they expect from Pixel phones.

Economic Factors and Potential Impact on Pricing

Several economic factors are likely to influence the pricing of the Made-in-India Pixel 8 series:

  • Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme: The Indian government’s PLI scheme for mobile phones offers incentives to manufacturers who set up production facilities in India. This scheme likely motivates Google to invest in local production, potentially leading to cost reductions.
  • Competitive Production Costs by Dixon Technologies: Dixon Technologies’ established infrastructure and expertise in electronics manufacturing are expected to keep production costs competitive. This could translate to more affordable Pixel 8 phones for Indian consumers.

However, it’s important to note that the Pixel 8a, a different model within the Pixel lineup, currently carries a higher price tag in India compared to its predecessor, the Pixel 7a. It remains to be seen how the “Made in India” initiative will ultimately affect the pricing of the Pixel 8 series in the Indian market.

Current Pricing of the Pixel 8 Series in India

While the pricing of the Made-in-India Pixel 8 series is yet to be officially revealed, here’s a reference point based on the current market prices:

  • Pixel 8: Starts from Rs 69,999 for the base 8GB/128GB model and goes up to Rs 77,999 for the 8GB/256GB variant.
  • Pixel 8 Pro: Starts from Rs 1,01,999 for the base 12GB/128GB configuration and can reach Rs 1,08,999 for the 12GB/256GB variant.
Also Read:   Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro were first shown in official videos.

It’s important to note that these are the current prices and may not reflect the final pricing of the Made-in-India Pixel 8 series.

Looking Ahead: What Does the Future Hold?

The launch of the Made-in-India Pixel 8 series marks a significant milestone for Google and the Indian smartphone market. This initiative holds the potential to:

  • Increase Pixel Phone Affordability: With local production potentially reducing costs, Indian consumers might see more competitive pricing for future Pixel models.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: When can I expect to buy a Made-in-India Pixel 8 phone?

A: The first batch of Made-in-India Pixel 8 phones is expected to hit store shelves in September 2024.

Q: Will the Made-in-India Pixel 8 series be cheaper than the current models?

A: The exact pricing for the Made-in-India Pixel 8 series hasn’t been announced yet. However, local production could potentially lead to a reduction in costs and a more competitive price point for Indian consumers.

Q: Where will the Made-in-India Pixel 8 phones be manufactured?

A: Dixon Technologies, a leading Indian electronics manufacturer, will be responsible for producing the Pixel 8 series in India.

Q: Will Google manufacture other Pixel models in India besides the Pixel 8?

A: There’s no official information yet regarding the production of other Pixel models in India. However, the success of the Made-in-India Pixel 8 series could pave the way for Google to expand its local production in the future.

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