Google Play hits 28.3 billion downloads in Q3 2020


That’s three times the App Store score

2020 saw a dramatic increase in app downloads, with millions of people spending more time indoors and online in isolation caused by the pandemic. The upward trend in downloads continued into the third quarter of the year, resulting in a new record download among Android users.

Google Play
Google Play

Google Play hits 28.3 billion downloads in Q3 2020

Google Play downloads reached 28.3 billion in Q3 2020, according to data compiled by SafeBettingSites. This is three times the App Store’s 8.2 billion downloads. Google Play downloads jumped 31% year-over-year. … The first diagram gives an idea of ​​the dynamics in recent years. Quarters starting from the third quarter of 2016 through the third quarter of 2020 are plotted on the abscissa axis, and the numbers on the ordinates are the number of downloads (in billions).

Google Play leads not only in the number of downloads but also in the store with the most applications. As of the second quarter of 2020, Android users could choose between 2.7 million apps, up 5.85% over the previous quarter. The Apple App Store has 1.82 million iOS apps, down 1.2% from the first quarter of 2020. The Windows Store and Amazon Store follow with 669,000 and 450,000 apps available, respectively.

Statistics show that gaming apps were the most popular category of apps on the Google Play store in Q2 2020, accounting for 13.49% of available apps. The second place was taken by educational applications with a share of 9.11%. Business applications and instruments follow with shares of 6.95% and 5.98%, respectively. The second diagram provides a visual representation of the distribution of applications by category.

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