Google Stadia now lets you share games with family members


Google Stadia now lets you share games with family members

Google continues to develop its own streaming gaming service Stadia, adding useful new features. This time, the developers have provided the ability to share games for people who are in the same Google family group.

Google Stadia
Google Stadia

If you bought or received the game through Stadia Pro, other family members can play the game using their Google Play account. You can turn on the sharing of games in your library in your family settings. Users can set up automatic publishing of all games to the general access, or specify only certain positions that will be available to the rest of the family group. You can also enable or disable family sharing on the pages describing a particular game.

It’s worth noting that all family members don’t need to subscribe to Stadia Pro to share games with each other. However, if you publish a game obtained through Stadia Pro and later unsubscribe, all family members will no longer be able to access the game. If necessary, you can adjust the age restrictions for individual members of the group, so that some games will be blocked for users who do not fit the age criteria.

According to reports, Google has just started implementing family sharing. It will become publicly available over the next few weeks.

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