Google to release 100 games in Stadia by the end of 2021


Google to release 100 games in Stadia by the end of 2021

The Google Stadia team announced the planned expansion of the service’s library of games, within which 100 games will be released on the platform by the end of the year. The full release schedule has not yet been announced, but the company has identified 9 projects that will appear on the platform soon.

Google games

The first will be the platformer Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition, released on February 23. The company claims that this is the first variant of the game to support Full HD resolution. The project includes all the add-ons and modes that came out earlier. Shantae: Risky’s Revenge – Director’s Cut will be released with him.

The next release will be. It came from space and ate our brains from Triangle Studios. This is a top-down arcade shooter dedicated to the alien invasion of Earth. It will appear on Google Stadia on March 2.

They will be followed by the football simulator FIFA 21 (March 17), the platformer Kaze and the Wild Masks (March 26), and the detective drama Judgment (April 23) from the developers of the famous Yakuza series.

Instead of the exact date, the three remaining projects appear “coming soon”: the arcade Killer Queen Black, the football game Street Power Football and the action RPG Hell point. Stadia has also promised to release Far Cry 6, Riders Republic, Hello Engineer, and a host of other games by the end of the year.

The announcement comes after news of the closure of in-house studios intended to create Stadia exclusives. An exception will be projects whose release is scheduled for the near future. Google explained its decision to focus on collaboration with third-party developers and publishers.

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