In 2023, KamAZ will produce 9 thousand K5 trucks


KamAZ considers the cost of Chinese trucks speculative, but notes that they are equal to the price of domestic trucks

Mikhail Matasov, Deputy General Director of KamAZ for interaction with state authorities, told something interesting about the Russian truck market and KamAZ’s plans for the current year.


According to the top manager, the Russian market of long-haul tractors will increase from 12 to 17 thousand units this year, and KamAZ will close most of this volume – 9 thousand cars. Moreover, these will be the latest trucks of the K5 family. At the enterprise, their localization is now estimated at 75% (against no more than 50% at the beginning of 2021), and by the end of the year they promise to bring localization to 85%.

In 2023, KamAZ will produce 9 thousand K5 trucks

According to Mikhail Matasov, the customs value of Chinese trucks ranges from $50,000 to $60,000, while the market price is $110,000 to $120,000.

kamaz 2023

“ At the moment, the products of KamAZ PJSC and Chinese manufacturers are equal in price. But we must understand that we have a rather high price due to the fact that we offer after-sales service, and this is included in the price of the machines. In addition, due to changes in logistics supplies and prices for components, the cost of production has increased significantly. At the same time, Chinese prices are speculative ,” Matasov said.

Kamaz, a Russian truck manufacturer, plans to increase truck production by 14% in 2023. The company plans to produce over 50,000 trucks in 2023, compared to over 44,000 in 2022.
Kamaz also plans to start producing hydrogen-powered buses in 2023. The city of Moscow has signed a contract for 1,000 electric buses from Kamaz.
Kamaz-Master, a Kamaz team, chose not to participate in the 2023 Dakar Rally. The team refused to sign a document from the International Automobile Federation (FIA) that was required to participate. The team complained that the document would force them to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.