Lack of folders and Quick Resume, fast downloads and time in games: PS5 interface details


Lack of folders and Quick Resume, fast downloads and time in games: PS5 interface details

Western journalists have already published impressions of the PlayStation 5. From them, details of the user interface and other aspects of using the console have become known. For example, GameSpot has confirmed that there are no game folders.


However, you can filter games based on different settings. The Library tab contains options for displaying projects only for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, or PlayStation 5. In addition, the console has a sorting of games purchased from the PlayStation Store, obtained from PlayStation Plus, or available through PlayStation Now.

It was also revealed that the PlayStation 5 still does not support a feature similar to Quick Resume on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. This option allows users to play multiple games at the same time and quickly switch between them. Many PlayStation fans hoped that it would be implemented on the PlayStation 5, but as confirmed by GameSpot, the console does not have such an option.

But let’s end on a good note. In a review of the PlayStation 5, a USgamer journalist said that the download time on the console is several times faster than on the PlayStation 4. For example, he was able to download Disgaea (6.58 GB) on PS5 in less than 2 minutes compared to almost 11 minutes on PS4 Pro. And it took him 7 minutes to download Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise (36.6 GB) on PS5, compared to over 58 minutes on PS4 Pro.

In addition, PlayStation 5 shows the time spent on games. Interestingly, the feature also covers projects for the PlayStation 4. That is, you will see your hundreds of hours in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

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The PlayStation 5 will go on sale on November 19.