Microsoft has taken the example of ransomware. Branded Edge browser imposes too aggressively


And you can no longer remove Edge

There are more and more complaints about Microsoft’s aggressive policies regarding the Edge browser. Users are unhappy with the overly intrusive and authoritarian manner of implementing Edge. 


Microsoft has taken the example of ransomware. Branded Edge browser imposes too aggressively

Microsoft recently released an update for the Windows operating system that automatically installs a new version of the Edge branded browser based on the Chromium engine. 

Microsoft’s methods have even begun to compare with the tactics of distributing ransomware, spyware, and software with overly intrusive ads. 

The standard complaint boils down to the fact that once again turning on the computer with Windows an application that the user “never asked”:

  1. Immediately starts by itself
  2. Tries to convince to switch from Chrome or another alternative browser, without providing a noticeable way to refuse. The window cannot be closed or skipped
  3. Automatically pins shortcuts to the desktop and taskbar
  4. Ignores past browser preferences 

Moreover, the user can no longer remove Edge from the system. This “too mandatory” update is received even by users of Windows 7 and Windows 8, and not just Windows 10. 

Earlier it was reported that the mandatory ” browser” update of Windows 10 slows down the PC

Also Read:  Microsoft by chance. Named the date of the big update of Windows 10