Netflix provides $ 100 million to support those involved in the creation of television and film production


First of all, these are Netflix employees, but not only they

The COVID-19 pandemic has a devastating effect on many industries, including television and film production. Almost all studios stopped production, leaving hundreds of thousands of creative and technical workers without work. Among them are electricians, carpenters, drivers, hairdressers, makeup artists, and many others, many of whom work individually on an hourly basis.

Netflix Covid 19
Netflix Covid 19

Netflix announced that it intends to support them. To do this, she created a fund of $ 100 million. Most of the funds will support the most affected Netflix in-house employees around the world. This financial assistance will complement Netflix’s earlier commitment to pay all employees a two-week salary.

In addition to helping its employees, Netflix expects to support other industry representatives. More specifically, $ 15 million will be transferred to third parties and non-profit organizations providing emergency assistance to the non-working Netflix team. These funds will be used in countries where Netflix has a large production base, for example, in the USA.
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