Nvidia said when it will introduce new video cards


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The first half of January promises to be very busy. And although the CES exhibition in the usual face-to-face format has been canceled, it will be held virtually. And many companies have timed the announcements of their new products to it. Thus, on January 11 its new CPU will introduce the IntelJanuary 12 debut mobile the APU Ryzen 5000, and precisely on the same day Nvidia will introduce its new line of graphics cards GeForce RTX.

Nvidia new video cards

Nvidia said when it will introduce new video cards

What the “green” will show is still a question, but we can assume that we will talk about the mobile GPU Ampere –  RTX 3080RTX 3070, and RTX 3060. They have already been talked about a lot lately. It is also possible that new products from the segment of video cards for desktop PCs will appear – RTX 3060 and RTX 3050. Nvidia is also preparing an RTX 3080 Ti, but it is extremely doubtful that it will be released before the crisis is resolved with the usual RTX 3080. And it will obviously take more than one month to eliminate the shortage of this model.

Also Read:  NVIDIA spoke about the performance of GeForce RTX 3070