PlayStation 5 games run better than more powerful Xbox Series X – a paradox AMD is to blame


PlayStation 5 games run better than more powerful Xbox Series X – a paradox AMD is to blame

A series of videos appeared on the Internet comparing the image quality and performance of the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5. There are no clear winners, but the Microsoft console has some serious problems with optimization.

Playstation 5
Playstation 5

Microsoft has been claiming the Xbox Series X as the most powerful console ever since the announcement of the next-generation console. Indeed, compared to the PlayStation 5, it really wins significantly in video chip performance. The power of the Microsoft console is 12 teraflops, while the PlayStation 5 has this figure of 10.28 teraflops. Experts from the YouTube channel Digital Foundry conducted a detailed comparison of both consoles in new games.

In Devil May Cry 5, it shows a good picture on the Xbox Seris X in 4K resolution with ray tracing. However, in terms of frame rate, the PlayStation 5 wins. The gap between the Xbox and PlayStation is about 40 frames per second. The console from Microsoft produces only about 24-30 frames per second.

Dirt 5 on Xbox Series X is not doing well either. In difficult scenes, FPS drops to 52 frames per second. At the same time, the image quality is significantly lower compared to the competitor.

At Sony, the console does a better job of filtering textures and reduces image quality less often. Plus, the detail of the image in the mode aimed at the maximum frame rate, the PlayStation 5 is clearly higher. This can be seen in the screenshot above.

Microsoft also acquired the rights to have their console featured in promotional materials for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. This may give the impression that the Xbox does a better job of this game, but here too, the PlayStation performed better. Microsoft’s set-top box experiences frame rate drops and picture twitching.

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However, as the edition of The Verge found out from one of the developers, who preferred to remain anonymous, the reason why the Xbox Series X is inferior to the PlayStation 5 lies in optimization. Studios received development kits from Microsoft too late, plus the tight deadlines made it impossible to properly test and debug game projects. Sony sent their kits much earlier and the developers had more time for the optimization process.

Apart from this, the issue was caused by AMD, which GPUs are used in both consoles. But the hardware maker was very late in giving access to the RDNA 2 microinstructions set for the Xbox Series X. Because of this, even Microsoft was forced to begin production of consoles only at the end of the summer. “ Our competitors are really ahead of us. The point is that we were waiting for AMD to provide us with full access to the microinstructions of its chips, ”- Phil Spencer (head of Xbox division) told The Verge.

Otherwise, the Xbox Series X console really has more hardware potential than the PlayStation, but at the moment, the games for it require improvement.