PlayStation 5 shows up a web browser, but finding it is a hassle


Not only did Sony hide the browser in some unknown place, but also severely limited its functionality.

There is no browser in the PlayStation 5 game console, which makes it different from the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 not for the better. This point is reflected not only in the official FAQ on the console, but also confirmed by top managers, who saw nothing wrong with this . However, as it turned out, there is still some kind of browser in the PlayStation 5, but it is not easy to find it.

PlayStation 5 web browser
PlayStation 5 web browser

PlayStation 5 shows up a web browser, but finding it is a hassle

First you need to go to Settings and find the User Guide menu item, scroll down to Users and Accounts, click Link with Other Services in it, and select your Twitter account. However, you don’t need to login to Twitter, you just need to click on the Twitter icon at the top of the page.

This will open Twitter in its standard web view. Hooray, is the browser running? Yes and no. Although the page looks like a regular browser, the user does not have access to the address bar. All he can do is follow the links of the messages on Twitter.

But even here there are limitations: the video does not open the whole screen, and streaming music services are loaded only “interface”, but not “content”. Why Sony needed to fence a vegetable garden with such a “secret” browser is not clear, but there is hope that a full-fledged web-viewer will appear in the system.