Radeon RX 6000 graphics cards were credited with the ability to overclock to 2800 MHz


Radeon RX 6000 graphics cards were credited with the ability to overclock to 2800 MHz

From the morning news, it is already known that the nominal frequencies of the Radeon RX 6000 graphics cards, which will debut this month, will range from 1815 to 2330 MHz. The software tools prepared for the release of these video cards already allow us to understand that the upper-frequency limit is currently set at around 2800 MHz.

Radeon 6000

Popular German resource Igor’s LAB shares the relevant details after analyzing the voltage and frequency control capabilities of the Radeon RX 6000 series graphics cards provided by the MorePower Tool software. It will be required by both overclockers and video card manufacturers to adjust the operational parameters of their products of this family. The voltage on the GPU, for example, can be raised to 1.15 V.

The over frequency limit using the profile software is 2800 MHz. In reality, such a frequency is unlikely to be achievable without the use of serious cooling like liquid nitrogen, but in the track record of the same GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, such a milestone also appears. True, we are talking exclusively about experiments with video cards, whose power subsystem was radically modified, and liquid nitrogen was used to cool the GPU. In fact, the record for the GeForce RTX 2080 Ti is the achievement of a frequency of 3 GHz, and the GPU of the same name was produced using 12 nm technology.

Recall that the GeForce RTX 30xx family is based on Ampere graphics processors, produced using 8nm technology at Samsung enterprises. Representatives of the RDNA 2 architecture found a place on the TSMC pipeline, they will be produced using 7-nm technology, which allows us to hope for a good frequency potential. However, the chief editor of Igor’s LAB website explains that only one of AMD’s partners has so far swung at reaching a frequency of 2577 MHz in the case of a Radeon RX 6800 XT video card, but under constant load with conventional air cooling it makes sense to count on a frequency range from 2.1 to 2.3 GHz.

Like the VideoCardz resource, this source credits the Radeon RX 6900 XT with 5120 stream processors and 16GB of 256-bit memory. It is also reported that this video card will be available in a limited edition, and will only be offered in the reference version. The more affordable Radeon RX 6800 XT will offer 4608 stream processors and a similar memory configuration at a lower frequency. It is on the basis of the Radeon RX 6800 XT that AMD partners will be able to create overclocked video cards. If the ceiling on the frequency of the GPU is set at around 2800 MHz, then the memory can be accelerated to 17200 MHz.