Remastered Destroy All Humans! will add the lost mission “from the depths of the Pandemic Studios archives”


Remastered Destroy All Humans! will add the lost mission “from the depths of the Pandemic Studios archives”

THQ Nordic and Black Forest Games have announced that a remake of the action game Destroy All Humans! will include a lost mission that the original developers did not include in the game.


THQ Nordic shared that a previously unexplored mission from the middle of a story campaign has been discovered in the archives of Pandemic Studios (the developers of the original Destroy All Humans!). Black Forest Games has carefully restored and completed it, so the level will be part of the project’s remake.

In addition, the new Destroy All Humans! boasts updated graphics and modern visuals thanks to the Unreal Engine 4, as well as special challenges that will become available after the main campaign of the game.

On THQ Nordic channel constantly emerging new videos Destroy All Humans !. Some of them are dedicated to new types of weapons, others – the adventures of the alien Krypto in the United States of America in the 1950s.

Destroy All Humans! will be released on July 28 on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.


Also Read:  The latest patch has improved Destroy All Humans! on PS5 and Xbox Series X