Sony began reimbursing PlayStation 4 players for the unplayable Cyberpunk 2077 cost


For a refund, please contact Sony support

If on the PC platform Cyberpunk 2077 started quite cheerfully, although not without problems, then with consoles the story is completely different. For example, on the PlayStation 4, the frame rate drops to 15 FPS, on the PlayStation 4 Pro the situation is slightly better – you can get up to 30 FPS. Naturally, users are not happy with this: this is not at all the level of quality that you expect from such a game.

PlayStation 4
PlayStation 4

Sony began reimbursing PlayStation 4 players for the unplayable Cyberpunk 2077 cost

It is clear that Sony’s role in this story is small because she is not the developer, but she could at least hold off the release of the game until Cyberpunk 2077 is adapted for the same PS4 and PS 4 Pro. Therefore, users’ requests to Sony for refunds are understandable and understandable, and Sony goes to meet users.

There are already reports on the web that the company is compensating PS4 (and even PS5) users for the cost of Cyberpunk 2077, even if the game time exceeded 2 hours. Reddit has already described in detail the case of one user who played 10 hours, completely deleted the game, including all saves, contacted technical support, and received a full refund of the purchase: the screenshot above proves a refund from PlayStation Network.