Sony underestimated the PlayStation 5, but dealers did it for it


Resellers earned over $ 19 million by reselling 32,964 PlayStation 5s on eBay

The PlayStation 5 became a scarce commodity from the first day of sales: the console instantly became the subject of interest not only for ordinary users but also for dealers. And they have already made good money on the console. Reselling on eBay alone brought them more than $ 19 million in revenue, according to a study published online.

PlayStation 5
PlayStation 5

Sony underestimated the PlayStation 5, but dealers did it for it

Reportedly, from mid-September to early December, 7322 PlayStation 5 Digital Editions and 25,642 regular PlayStation 5s were sold through eBay. , for PlayStation 5 Digital Edition – exceeded 350%. The average resale price as of the last week of November was $ 1,025 for the PlayStation 5 and $ 1101 for the regular PlayStation 5.

If we talk about the volume of sales, expressed in money, then they reached the mark of approximately 34.75 million dollars. Net income was over $ 19 million. But you need to understand that this is data for only one eBay site. There are tons of others, updates in newspapers and on bulletin boards in stores. In reality, this “market” can be ten times more. And given that the PlayStation 5 shortage is still not going to be resolved, for the next few months, resellers will continue to make good money on a resale. And so it happened: Sony itself underestimated the PlayStation 5 (there are still rumors that consoles are being sold at a loss), but dealers did it for it. Obviously, if the PlayStation 5 were a little more expensive, the demand would be just as frenzied, but at least it was possible not to sell the devices in the red.

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