Spotify has updated the library interface and improved sorting in mobile apps


Spotify has updated the library interface and improved sorting in mobile apps

Spotify today announced updates to the iOS and Android app, including a redesigned My Library section. Changes include a new grid view, dynamic filters, improved sorting, and more. These changes should help you navigate the content and spend less time searching.


Initially, messages about the upcoming update appeared this morning on the company’s blog, but now the innovations are spreading to all Spotify mobile applications.

The company itself lists the following innovations:

  • New dynamic filters help you browse your entire collection more conveniently. For example, in the list of added albums, playlists, artists, you can filter by the parameter “Loaded.” After that, the application will display only those songs that can be played without a network connection.
  • Users can now choose the sort type of library. For example, in alphabetical order, by recently played tracks or by author’s name.
  • Now you can choose up to four albums, playlists, or podcasts, which will be pinned at the top for instant access to them.
  • You can now choose to display it in a grid, list, or mosaic to sort the added content.

Spotify is rolling out the update in waves, and it will roll out to all users over the coming week.