Survey data: Nintendo Switch is increasingly becoming the only console for gamers


Survey data: Nintendo Switch is increasingly becoming the only console for gamers

According to a new report from consumer research agency Interpret, Nintendo continues to take over the gaming console market with the Switch. And she does it very successfully: according to a survey among US residents, in 2020 there was a significant increase in the number of Nintendo Switch owners who do not have any other consoles at home.

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In the most recent poll conducted late last year, 25% of Nintendo Switch owners admitted that they are content with this one console, and they don’t have any other consoles. A year ago, in 2019, more than half as many people spoke this way – 12%.

Along with this, however, the Nintendo Switch is gaining popularity as a second system, as 35% of respondents said they own another console in addition to the Switch. In 2019, there were 25% of them.

Finally, as you can see from the graph, the proportion of respondents who own three or more consoles immediately dropped from 63% to 40%. 9000 people took part in the survey.

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