The Germans continue to buy mainly AMD processors. Mindfactory statistics for June look already quite familiar


So far Intel cannot make a difference

The network has statistics on the largest German store Mind factory for June, so we can see if something has changed in the processor market, albeit within the same store.

AMD processors
AMD processors

The Germans continue to buy mainly AMD processors. Mindfactory statistics for June look already quite familiar

First, recall that the Mind factory sells about 20,000 processors per month, that is, it is not a small trading platform.

So, after April, when AMD’s share reached an incredible 91%, Intel began to gradually correct the situation, but still, 87% of the processor’s sales in the store come from AMD solutions.

We have not seen such diagrams before, as you can see below, so now everything has become even more visual.

The best-selling CPU was the Ryzen 5 3600, with more than a third of all CPU sales. The closest competitor, the Ryzen 7 3700X, showed half the sales, while the Ryzen 9 3900X, which finished third, was four times behind the leader.

There are only six Intel processors in this diagram, and the best – Core i7-9700K – was bought only 540 times in a month, which is 15 times less than Ryzen 5 3600.

If we are talking about monetary terms, AMD accounted for 83% of all CPU sales revenue in Mind factory, and the three best AMD models accounted for more than half of all revenue.

The average selling price of AMD CPUs increased in annual terms by 31.4%, to 218 euros, while Intel’s indicator fell by 6.6%, to 301 euros.